Daniel Benjamin Hinshaw
Professor Emeritus of Surgery, Consultant in Palliative Medicine
University of Michigan Medical School
1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
(734) 904-9732
Education and Training
1972 – 1978 B.S., Human Biology; awarded along with M.D.
Loma Linda University College of Arts and Sciences
Loma Linda, California
3/01/1975 – 5/28/1978
M.D., Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California
Postdoctoral Training
7/1/1978 – 6/30/1983
Surgical Residency, Loma Linda University Medical Center and
Affiliated Hospitals
7/1/1983 – 6/30/1985
Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Vascular Biology and Inflammation, Department of Immunology, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation
La Jolla, California (Laboratory of Dr. Charles Cochrane)
Clinical Fellow in Palliative Medicine, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Taussig Cancer Center,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio (Sabbatical)
Visiting Scholar in Palliative Medicine
Hayward House Macmillan Specialist Palliative Care Cancer Unit University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K. (Dr. Andrew Wilcock, host)
7/4-5/2002 Advanced Course in Pain and Symptom Management
Sobell Study Centre, Sir Michael Sobell House,
Churchill Hospital, Oxford, U.K. (Dr. Robert Twycross, course director)
General Surgery Faculty Scholar in Geriatrics
Reynolds Foundation Grant to University of Michigan Medical School
Certification and Licensure
1984 American Board of Surgery #29661
Re-certified Fall 1992 and Fall 2003
1989 American Board of Surgery (Added Qualifications in Surgical Critical Care #419)
6/1/20 – 12/31/2009
American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, #1977
10/29/2008 – 12/31/2019
American Board of Surgery (ABMS) – Certification in Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Certificate No. 3, ABS Identification # 039237 Recertified 11/1/2016 – 12/31/2028.
2022 – present American Board of Medicine Certification in Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Certificate # 539780
Virginia 0101038149
California G040465
Ohio 57.003836 (MD training certificate 2001)
Michigan 4301050975 (Active)
Academic, Administrative, and Clinical Appointments
7/1/85 – 5/31/87
Assistant Professor, Division of General and Trauma Surgery Department of Surgery, Medical College of Virginia
Staff Surgeon, McGuire Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Richmond, Virginia
6/1/87 – Present
Staff Physician, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/1/87 – 8/31/92
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery
Section of General Surgery, University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
9/1/92 – 8/31/99
Associate Professor with Tenure, Department of Surgery
Section of General Surgery, University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
6/1/87 – 2/17/97
Chief of Surgery, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Ann Arbor, Michigan
3/15/96 – 1/18/97
Acting Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Ann Arbor, Michigan
1/19/97 – 12/30/00
Chief of Staff, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Ann Arbor, Michigan
1/19/97 - 12/30/00
Assistant Dean for Department of Veterans Affairs
University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
9/1/99 – 12/31/16
Professor with Tenure, Department of Surgery
Section of General Surgery, University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
7/1/01 – 4/1/07
Founding Medical Director, Palliative Care Consultation Service
Ann Arbor Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Ann Arbor, Michigan
4/1/07 – 1/31/17
Associate Member of Department of Veterans Affairs
Geriatrics Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
2008 – 2017 Consultant in Palliative Medicine
University of Michigan Geriatrics Center Clinic, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1/1/17 – Present
Professor Emeritus of Surgery
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Michigan
2/2012 – 1/2020
Sessional Professor of Palliative Care
St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
Yonkers, New York
2010 Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
2010 – Present Adjunct Professor for Masters in Palliative Care, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania
2015 – Present Visiting Professor, St. John of Damascus Theological Institute of Balamand University, Balamand, Lebanon.
8/9 – 12/7/2018 Visiting Professor and Residential Fellow, Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Studies, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN
Honors and Awards
1978 Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
1983-85 American Lung Association Fellowships
1985 Finalist, Young Investigator in Shock Award, Shock Society
2001 National Patient Safety Foundation Patient
2001 Safety Award for Innovative Clinical Solutions, “Safety Checklist Program,” (Sponsored by 3M). Awarded together with Marcia M. Piotrowski RN, MS; VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, October 10, 2001
2003 Commendation from Department of Veterans Affairs VISN 11 Network Director Linda Belton and VISN 11 Geriatrics & Extended Care Service Line Director Dr. Kenneth Shay, in recognition of contributions to the development of palliative care programs in VISN 11; October 29, 2003
2003 Special Contribution Award from Network Director Linda Belton, VISN 11, Department of Veterans Affairs for leadership role in the development of palliative care programs throughout VISN 11; September 2004.
2004 Secretary’s Hands and Heart Award, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System
Membership in Professional Societies
1983 Association for Academic Surgery
1985-2009 Shock Society
1988-2009 American Society for Investigative Pathology
1988 Association of VA Surgeons
1989 Fellow American College of Surgeons
1990-2009 Society for Free Radical Biology & Medicine (Oxygen Society)
1992 Society of University Surgeons
1992 Central Surgical Association
1992 Western Surgical Association
1998 The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract
1998 Michigan State Medical Society (no longer active)
1998 Washtenaw County Medical Society (no longer active) (Executive Council 2003)
2000 American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
2001 Michigan Hospice & Palliative Care Organization
2010 Member of Ethiopian North American Health Providers Association
Editorial Positions, Boards, and Peer-Review Service
Editorial Position
2006 - present Associate Editor, eFACS web portal for Pain and Palliative Care
Editorial Boards
1995 – 2000 Member of editorial board for Free Radical Biology & Medicine
2009 – 2012 Member of editorial board for Progress in Palliative Care
2022 – present Member of editorial board for Paliatia: Journal of Palliative Care
Peer Review Service
FASEB Journal
American Journal of Pathology
Journal of Surgical Research
Journal of Immunology
Journal of Cellular Physiology
American Journal of Physiology
Biochemical Pharmacology
Free Radical Biology & Medicine
The Journal of Physiology
Journal of Biochemical Toxicology
Life Sciences
Experimental Cell Research
Cell Biology and Toxicology
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Journal of the American College of Surgeons
Progress in Palliative Care
Annals of Surgical Oncology
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
AMA Journal of Ethics
Ad Hoc Reviewer
Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Reviews
American Institute of Biological Sciences
USAMRMC Proposals
Study Sections
1999 - 2002
Member, Trauma, Surgical and Musculoskeletal
Disorders Medical Research Advisory Group (MRAG)
Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, D.C.
Member, Immunology REAP (Research Enhancement Award Program) Veterans Health Administration Medical Research Service, Portland, Oregon.
Grant Support
Department of Veterans Affairs RAG, October 1985 - October 1986, ($25,000)
Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review, October 1986 - March 1990, ($122,500)
Eli Lilly & Co,, "ATP and cellular injury in ischemia and after oxidant exposure: A novel approach to therapy." 1989-1990, Direct Costs, $46,775
Eli Lilly & Co., "ATP and cellular injury in ischemia and after oxidant exposure: A novel approach to therapy." 1990-1991, Direct Costs: $39,250
Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review, April 1990 - March 1993, ($180,000)
Eli Lilly & Co., "ATP and cellular injury in ischemia and after oxidant exposure: A novel approach to therapy." Renewed 1992-1993, Direct Costs: $56,845
United States Department of Defense, MIPR#93MM3571, "The cytoskeleton and ATP in sulfur mustard-mediated injury to endothelial cells and keratinocytes." 1993-1996, ($353,117)
Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review, "The cytoskeleton in apoptotic cancer cells."
Renewal, United States Department of Defense, MIPR #CVEM6785, "The cytoskeleton and ATP in sulfur mustard-mediated injury to endothelial cells and keratinocytes." 1996-1999 ($405,967)
Department of Veterans Affairs Merit Review II, "Surgical Studies of Signal Transduction Pathways Involved in PMN Apoptosis" Co-Investigator (Mentor), (P.I., John Sweeney, M.D.),
1999-2002 ($150,000)
Veterans in Partnership (VIP) Network Provider/Employer of Choice Grant, "Massage as an Adjunctive Treatment in the Management of Acute Postoperative Pain." Principal Investigator with Marcia Piotrowski, R.N., Co-Principal Investigator, 1999-2000 ($199,815)
United States Department of Defense, MIPR #0EC5F7-0083, 2000-2003, "Regulation of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Survival and Function by Proinflammatory Agents that are Released as a Consequence of Sulfur Mustard-Mediated Injury.” Co-Investigator (P.I., John Sweeney, M.D.), ($490,338)
Department of Veterans Affairs, HSR&D IIR 01-197-1, “Acute Postoperative Pain Management Using Adjuvant Massage Therapy.” P.I., 2002-2005 ($640,000)
Department of Veterans Affairs, HSR&D, “Evaluation of a Cardiac Nurse Practitioner Palliative Care Program” Co-Investigator; Co-P.I.s: Peter Vaitkevicius, M.D. & Faith
Hopp Ph.D, R.N. 2005-2008
Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 11 Strategic Initiative, “Implementing Massage and Chiropractic as Adjuvant Therapies for Pain Management and Palliative Care in VISN 11”, Co-PI with Leo Greenstone, M.D. 2007-2008 ($234,878)
NCCAM (IR01AT006518-01) “Effect of Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Pain Among Inpatients.” Co-Investigator (Overall PI: Jeffrey Dusek, Ph.D.; Site PI for VA Ann Arbor HCS: Carol Fletcher, PhD, RN) 2013-2014
NCI R44CA 210723 “Integrative Approaches in Palliative Care: Provider-Driven Online Continuing Education.” Expert Advisor (William Collinge, Ph.D. P.I.) 2017-2019
University of Michigan
Inteflex 211 - Introduction to Health Care
1) Living with Chronic/Terminal Conditions: AIDS & Cancer
2) Christian Perspectives on Suffering
3) Life and Death Decisions; Euthanasia
Medical Students (1st year)
Palliative care small group exercise faculty mentor/facilitator
Medical Students (2nd year)
Interdisciplinary Palliative Care
Patient Interview and Family Meeting (simulated patient interview and lecture)
Medical Students (3rd year)
1) Hernia
2) Colorectal Cancer
3) Benign Colon Diseases
4) Communicating Bad News and Negotiating Goals of Care in Advanced Illness
Seminars in Medicine: Lecture, “Spiritual Distress in the Dying” (case studies/discussion)
Medical Students (4th year)
Palliative care elective
3–hour seminar: “Surgical Palliative Care and Care in the Last Days of Life” a part of M-4 elective
Surgery Residents
Ethics at the End of Life, June 4, 2003 as part of the Surgical Ethics Curriculum – Michigan League
Curriculum development for surgery residents: Care of the Elderly Surgical Patient and Care for Surgical Patients with Advanced Illness
Medical Residents
Palliative care clinic rotation for junior medical residents
Lectures on palliative care and cancer pain management and supervision/consultation to medicine residents rotating in the VA Extended Care Center.
Radiation Oncology Residents
Lecture, “The Art of Communication with Advanced Cancer Patients”, 6/5/09
Geriatrics Fellows
Palliative care rotation in conjunction with Arbor Hospice
Pain Fellows
Palliative care rotation for pain fellows:
Palliative Care overview lecture
Assessment and Treatment of Cancer Pain in Palliative Medicine lecture
Ethical Issues at the End of Life lecture
Mini-sabbatical in Palliative Medicine, Dr James Rechtien, 1/22 – 3/30/07, Mentor
Palliative Care Fellow lecture series 2007- present
Overview of palliative care
Methadone and relief of complex pain
Pain Management in palliative care – case discussion
Ethical Issues at the End of Life
EPEC for Veterans Trainer
Other Teaching and Presentations at the University of Michigan
Fall 1998 (and ongoing) M1 Clinical Observations
Comprehensive Clinical Assessment, Breast Exam, July 12, 1999
Critical Care Nursing Educational Workshop, October 7, 2002 – Introducing Palliative Care in the ICU, (UH B1C111)
Geriatrics teaching conference, UM Cancer/Geriatrics Center – Cancer Pain Management, October 22, 2002 and October 14, 2003
Family Medicine Grand Rounds, November 13, 2002 – Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Palliative Medicine; Case discussion with Family Medicine house officers in conjunction with Dr. Daniel Fischberg (Mt Sinai School of Medicine)
Presentation on massage as an adjuvant therapy for acute postoperative pain relief - Interdisciplinary Course in Complementary Therapies and Alternative Healing at UM Nursing School, January 21, 2003.
Participant in discussion of interdisciplinary issues in communicating bad news during palliative care seminar – UM Nursing School, January 21, 2003
Presentation on Suffering as part of Palliative Care Nursing Education Program Nursing Services, University of Michigan Health System, June 12, 2003
Presentation on Introducing Palliative Care in the ICU, Trauma/Burn Conference, University of Michigan Health System, July 29, 2003.
Presentation with Dr Jane Carnahan at VA Psychiatry Grand Rounds: Psychiatric Issues in Palliative Medicine, February 3, 2004
Member of Expert Ethics Panel for Dilemmas in the Care of Oncology Patients sponsored by UMHS Cancer Nursing Leadership Team, May 12, 2004
Presentation on End-of-Life Care at Death and Complications conference, Department of Surgery, December 14, 2006
Presentation on Outpatient Palliative Care at weekly Geriatrics conference, Geriatrics Center, University of Michigan, October 23, 2007
Presentation entitled, “Palliative Care and the Relief of Suffering,” presented with Marcia LaHaie APRN to University of Michigan Student Nurses Association, March 19, 2009
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Weekly 60-minute general surgery seminar for 3rd year medical students
Coordinator, general surgery house officer education/rotation at VAMC
Clinical skills instructor for lst and 2nd year medical students
Coordinator, monthly VAMC Surgical Mortality & Morbidity Conference
Mentor for postdoctoral fellow Ralph Delius, M.D.
Faculty mentor for Joseph L. Lelli, Jr., M.D. and John F. Sweeney, M.D.
VA Psychiatry Grand Rounds presentation, “Understanding Suffering,” March 1, 2005
Committee, Organizational, and Volunteer Service
University of Michigan
Division Chiefs, Section of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, 1987-1997
Chairman's Section Advisory Committee, 1987-1997
Undergraduate Education Committee, Department of Surgery, Member of Medical School Dean's Staff, 1997-2000
Member, Clinical Competency Committee, Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship, 2013-2015
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Cancer Committee, 2005-2008
Ethics Committee 1988-2000
Operating Room Committee - Chair, 1987-1997
Professional Standards Board, Chair, 1996-2000
Clinical Executive Board, Chair, 1996-2000
Executive Leadership Board 1995-2000
Residency Review Committee 1995-2000
Strategic Planning Board/Strategic Planning Steering Committee 1995-2000
Surgery Staff – 1987-1997
Invasive Procedures Committee - Chairman, 1987-1997
Surgical DHCP System Task Force - Past
Ambulatory Surgery Task Force - Past
Member Search Committee for Recruitment of ACOS for Research/Development, 1989
Chairman, Search Committee for Recruitment of Chief of Psychiatry, 1990-1991
Member Search Committee for Recruitment of Chief of Nursing, 1992
President of Veterans Education and Research Association of Michigan (VERAM) through 2000
Co-chair Task Force for Hospital Reorganization, 1995
Member, Planning Committee of American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Palliative Care in Oncology Conference, 2014-2016
Member, Steering Committee of American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Palliative Care in Oncology Conference, 2015
Chair, Steering Committee of American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Palliative Care in Oncology Conference, 2015-2016
Member, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Surgeons Palliative Care Workgroup (American
College of Surgeons) 2001-2002
Member Executive Group, Surgical Palliative Care Taskforce, Division of Education, American College of Surgeons, 2002 – 2013
Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, Surgical Palliative Care Committee, Division of Education, American College of Surgeons, 2013 – present
Member, Committee of Hospice Medical Directors, Michigan State Medical Society, 2000-2002
Department of Veterans Affairs
Chair, VISN 11 Palliative Care Committee, 2005-2009
Mentor for AACT team (to introduce palliative care training and programs in VISN 11 VA Medical Centers), 2002 - 2004
Technical Advisory Group for VA Medical District 14
Reviewer of Surgery Missions for VA Medical District 15
Chairman of Technical Advisory Group for Surgical referrals, lower Michigan Network
Head of Regional Surgical Purpose Site Visit for review of surgical activity at North Chicago
VAMC, September 8-9, 1993
Site Team Leader for Surgical Review, West Palm Beach VAMC (VISN 8) October 19-20, 1998
Member, Site Team, Anesthesia Service Review, Minneapolis, MN VAMC, December 3-4, 1998
Clinical Leadership Board - Member, 1997-2000
VISN 11 Network Planning Board - Member, 1998-2000
VISN 11 Prosthetics Reorganization Task Force, 1999-2001
VISN 11 Committee on Complementary and Alternative Medicine - Member, 1999
VA Headquarters Technical Recommendations Panel - Member, 1997-1999
VHA Headquarters Clinical Care Policy Committee, 1999-2001
VHA Research Service: Working Group on Allocation of VERA Funds in Support of Research - 1999-2000
VHA Medical Research Service Ph.D. and REAP Program Review Committee, Chair, June 6, 2000
Member Acute Care Council, VISN 11, 2007-2009
Local Community
Member, Executive Council, Washtenaw County Medical Society 2003-2004
International/Philanthropic Activity
Board Member, Friends of Hospice Africa USA (FHAUSA) 2006 - 2012
Visiting Professorships, Seminars, Extramural Invited Presentations, and Consulting Positions
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, "Impact of oxidant and ischemic injury on the function of the cell cytoskeleton," October 3, 1988.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, "ATP and the cytoskeleton in cellular models of oxidant and ischemic injury," April 30, 1990.
Visiting professor, Research Seminar at Pettis Memorial VA Medical Center, Loma Linda, California, "Cytoskeletal and cellular morphology in oxidant and ischemic injury," November 14, 1990.
"ATP loss and microfilament injury" as part of a symposium on "Newer aspects of renal cell injury" sponsored by the International Society of Nephrology at Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, October 6-9, 1991.
3M Pharmaceuticals, St. Paul, Minnesota, "Oxidant mediated cell injury: The role of ATP in oxidant injury," October 28, 1991.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, "A cellular model of CNS ischemia-reperfusion injury," December 10, 1991.
Grand Rounds, Roseburg Virginia Medical Center, Roseburg, Oregon, "Cellular toxic injury and oxygen free radicals," July 8, 1992.
Immunopathology Symposium in honor of Charles G. Cochrane, M.D., La Jolla, California, "Microfilament pathology induced by oxidants or ischemic conditions," October 14, 1995
Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Department of Defense, Baltimore, Maryland, "Sulfur Mustard Induces Apoptosis and Necrosis in Endothelial Cells," May 15, 1996.
Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Department of Defense, Hunt Valley, Maryland, “Sulfur Mustard-induced Cytotoxicity: Nuclear Dependence, Reversibility, and Sulfur Mustard as a Proinflammatory Agent,” June 7, 2000.
St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Summer Institute 2001, “Ministry of Healing,” three invited lectures and discussion: “From Caring to Curing,” “The Therapeutic Encounter,” and “Healing in Death,” June 28, 2001.
Association of Legal Writing Directors, “Erasing Lines; Integrating the Law School Curriculum,” invited presentation, “Models from other disciplines: What can we learn from them? – Medicine,” University of Minnesota Law School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 27, 2001.
American College of Surgeons 87th Clinical Congress – Ethics Colloquium Part II: End-of-Life Care, invited Debater, “Case 4: A 67–Year-Old Patient with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Requests a Prescription for a Lethal Dose of Narcotics – Con,” October 11, 2001.
VISN 11 Palliative Care Symposium: “Answering the Call” (planner/moderator/speaker), two presentations: “The Palliative Care Consult Service at the Ann Arbor VA Healthcare System” and “The Spiritual Needs of the Dying Patient,” Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 8, 2002.
Visiting Consultant in Palliative Medicine and Speaker for VISN 11 – lecture entitled, “Cancer Pain Management: Opioid Rotation and the Use of Methadone,” VA Northern Indiana Health Care System, Marion, Indiana, August 28, 2002.
American College of Surgeons 88th Clinical Congress – General Session 37, moderator and presenter of Introduction and Overview for Symposium entitled, “When Do We Stop, and How Do We Do It? Medical Futility and Withdrawal of Care,” January 10, 2002.
Leadership Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor Area Chamber of Commerce), panelist and presenter on “Palliative Care – Issues Related to Age and Stage of Advanced Illness,” Ann Arbor, Michigan, January 8, 2003.
Medical Grand Rounds, VA Illiana Healthcare System, “Introducing Palliative Care in the ICU,” February 25, 2003.
American College of Surgeons 31st Annual Spring Meeting – General Session – GS14, “Withdrawal of Support in Critically Ill Surgical Patients,” Symposium entitled, “Clinical Palliative Care in the Trenches,” April 15, 2003.
Arbor Hospice & Home Care – Second Annual Conference for Spiritual Leaders: The Spirituality of the Dying Patient, Zion Lutheran Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 1, 2003.
John D. Dingell VAMC, Detroit, Michigan. Grand Rounds, invited speaker for presentation entitled, “Suffering”, December 16, 2003.
Presentation with Dr Julie Rehfeldt, “Pain Management: Ethics and Medical/Legal Issues,” at Battle Creek VAMC, February 12, 2004.
Evidence-Based Practice 2004 – Shaping the Environment; invited speaker with Lucy Stern, RN NP for presentation entitled, “Developing a Palliative Care Program in a Hospital Setting,” Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 19, 2004.
Michigan Hospice and Palliative Care Organization annual meeting, presentation with Dr Patricia Schmidt entitled, “Hospice Can Care for Veterans Now,” Kalamazoo, Michigan, April 20, 2004.
Alabama Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, 2004 Conference, invited presentation: “Surgical Ethical Issues at the End of Life,” Point Clear, Alabama, June 12, 2004.
Visiting Professor, University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana; Case-based discussion of pain management in advanced cancer and lecture: “Introducing Palliative Care in the ICU” for Geriatrics training of 3rd year medical students, June 17, 2004.
“Understanding Suffering” at symposium: Palliative Care: Revitalizing the Spirit of Health Care, at St Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI; September 17, 2004.
“Can Surgery Play a Role in Palliative and Hospice Care?” as part of the Josephina Magno Memorial Hospice Symposium: Dilemmas in Hospice & Palliative Medicine, Hospice of Henry Ford Health System, Southfield, Michigan, October 8, 2004.
Visiting professor and invited speaker in Romania to staff of Casa Sperantei and community physicians on “Understanding Suffering,” March 25-31, 2005:
“Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Palliative Medicine,” March 25, 2005
“An Orthodox Perspective on Death and Care of the Dying,” Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, March 27, 2005, Brasov, Romania
“Spiritual Issues at the End of Life” and “An Orthodox Perspective on Death and Care of the Dying,” Orthodox Theological Seminary, March 28, 2005
“Ethical Issues at the End of Life,” Medical School, March 28, 2005
Half-day course for community physicians with Dr. Daniela Mosoiu on “Pain Management in Palliative Care” and “Understanding Suffering” hosted by Karl Wolff House, March 29, 2005, Sibiu, Romania
“Pain Management in Palliative Care” and “Ethical Issues at the End of Life,” The Oncological Institute of Cluj-Napoca, March 30, 2005
“An Orthodox Perspective on Death and Care of the Dying,” Orthodox Theological Seminary, March 31, 2005
Inservice, “Giving Bad News and Prognostication in Advanced Illness,” for the staff of St Dimitrie’s substance abuse rehabilitation program, March 31, 2005, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Presentation with Vanessa Scott, Pharm.D. for Department of Veterans Affairs VISN 12 Palliative Care Teleconference: “Assessment and Treatment of Pain in Palliative Medicine” May, 19, 2005.
Visiting Professor/invited speaker for the Burnham Lecture, “End of Life Care – Critical Issues at a Critical Time,” for the 6th annual Education & Research Day, Carraway Methodist Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama, May 25, 2005.
Course Director, postgraduate medical course, Critical Issues in the Care of Older Adults, Pain Management & Palliative Care, hosted by the Department of Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Healthcare System Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center; VISN 11: Veterans in Partnership; and University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, October 6-7, 2005. Also, presented a lecture, “Spiritual Distress in the Dying.”
“Depression, Anxiety, and Delirium” as part of Postgraduate Course #17, Introduction to Pain Management and End-of-Life Care, American College of Surgeons 91st Annual Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, October 19, 2005.
“Surgery and Palliative Care: What Every Surgeon and Healthcare Professional Needs to Know,” as part of Palliative Care Symposium: A Surgical Perspective, at St Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, OH, November 1, 2005.
“Grief and Healing” for medical residents and hospital staff as part of palliative care curriculum at Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn, MI. June 14, 2006.
“Methadone and Pain Relief in Surgical Patients” for Anesthesia conference, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, Ann Arbor. July 6, 2006.
One-day clergy retreat, “Death and Care of the Dying” at St Nicholas Spiritual Centre, Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of Kampala and all Uganda. August 3, 2006.
“Spiritual Distress in the Dying,” Hospice Africa Uganda, Kampala Uganda. August 11, 2006.
“Listening as Caring,” Genesys Health System, Grand Blanc, MI. October 19, 2006.
“Communicating Bad News and Negotiating Goals of Care” and participant in “Dialogues in Palliative Care – A Panel Discussion” as part of Palliative Care Symposium, St Vincent Medical Center, Toledo, OH. November 1, 2006.
“Acute Life-Threatening Illness Complicating the Care of Terminally Ill Patients,” VISN 11 Palliative Care Educational Conference; February 9, 2007.
“Spiritual Care of the Dying,” at First Regional Palliative Care Collaborative Conference, Dearborn, MI; October 12, 2007.
Co-author of scientific presentation, “Palliative Post Operative Pain Management Using Massage as Adjuvant Therapy: A randomized trial,” at First Regional Palliative Care Collaborative Conference, Dearborn, MI; October 12, 2007 (Primary presenter: Allison Mitchinson).
Grand Rounds, Saginaw VAMC, “Opiates in the Management of Severe Pain: Opiate Rotation and the Role of Methadone”, Saginaw, MI., October 26, 2007.
Co-presentor with Jane Carnahan, M.D., 19th Annual Advances in Psychiatry, University of Michigan, “Total Pain: The Multidisciplinary Assessment and Management of Suffering,” and moderator for Interdisciplinary Case Discussion, Towsley Center, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI. November 8, 2007.
Grand Rounds, Saginaw VAMC: “Hospice and Palliative Care: an Overview for Primary Care Providers”, Saginaw, MI, March 14, 2008.
“Role Playing the Physician” as part of the palliative care curriculum for Geriatrics fellows at Oakwood Medical Center, Dearborn, MI, April 9, 2008.
Primary Care Conference, Illiana VAMC: “Hospice and Palliative Care: an Overview for Primary Care Providers” and “Palliative Care Difficult Case Discussion” Danville, IL, April 18, 2008.
“Opiates in the Management of Severe Pain: Opiate Rotation and the Role of Methadone” at Foote Health System’s palliative care symposium, April 19, 2008.
Visiting professor/consultant to Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov, Romania. June 2 and 4-6, 2008.
Course Co-Director and presenter for “Asistenta Spirituala in Ingrijirea Paliativa” (Spiritual Support in Palliative Care) at Sambata Monastery, Sambata de Sus, Romania, June 9-11, 2008.
“The Surgical Palliative Care Unit – The New Intensive Care Unit” as part of a symposium entitled, “The Palliative Care Specialist: A New Career for Surgeons,” 94th Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, October 14, 2008.
Joint presentation with Rev. Paul Jannakos, “Psychosocial and Spiritual Care & Symptom Assessment and Management,” at Palliative Care Collaborative: Second Annual Regional Conference, Dearborn, MI, October 23, 2008.
Joint presentations with Dr. Jane Carnahan at Clergy Conference for Midwest Diocese of the Antiochian Orthodox Church: Total Pain, the Assessment and Management of Suffering; Orthodox Medical Perspective of Ethical Issues at the End of Life; and An Orthodox Christian Response to Suffering at Rives Junction, MI, December 3, 2008.
Joint presentation with Dr. Jane Carnahan for Psychiatry Grand Rounds at Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, “Dying Well: The Role of Psychiatry in End-of-Life Care”, Loma Linda, California, June 12, 2009.
Visiting Professor and lecturer on Cancer Pain Management, Ethics and Spirituality at the End of Life, Nursing Curricula in Palliative Care, and Palliative Care Consultation Programs; University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov and Bucharest, Romania, November, 2009
Visiting consultant to BEL Hospice and Serbian Orthodox Philanthropy, Belgrade, Serbia, November, 2009.
Visiting Professor and lecturer on Cancer Pain Management and Assessment at Tikur Anbessa (Black Lion) Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 2010.
Instructor for course/symposium on developing an undergraduate curriculum for nursing students in palliative care, Brasov, Romania, June 4, 2010.
Course organizer and presenter, “Advanced Course in Palliative Care for Palliative Care Practitioners,” Brasov, Romania at Hospice Casa Sperantei Study Centre, June 7-9, 2010.
Presentation to members of the Romanian Parliament, “The Importance of Palliative Care to the Health System,” Palace of the Peoples, Bucharest, Romania, June 17, 2010.
Teaching and consultation for Hospice Casa Sperantei home care team, Bucharest, Romania, June 2010.
Consultation and teaching, including home care visits with BEL Hospice staff and lecturing on ethical issues in cancer pain management for a conference sponsored by Serbian Orthodox Philanthropy, Belgrade, Serbia, June 27-July 3, 2010
Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, including two lectures, “Palliative Care Overview” and “Ethics of Cancer Pain Management,” July 1, 2010.
Consultant for palliative care development at St Paul Federal Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 6-16, 2010.
Lecture on “Pain Management in Advanced Cancer and HIV/AIDS” given as a visiting professor at St Paul Federal Hospital/Millennium Medical College on July 8, 2010.
Lecture on “Surgical Intervention in Advanced Illness,” given as a visiting professor at the Surgery Department of Black Lion (Tikur Anbessa) Hospital of Addis Ababa University, on July 13, 2010.
Hospice home care visits and teaching with Hospice Ethiopia team in collaboration with Catherine Nawangi, RN, international palliative care trainer from Hospice Africa International Programmes.
Home visits with Hospice Casa Sperantei (HCS) adult home care team, Bucharest, Romania October 19-21, 2010.
Facilitator of administrative retreat for clinical managers from HCS, Brasov, Romania, October 22, 2010.
Scientific Planning Committee for 11th annual meeting of the National Palliative Care Association of Romania (ANIP) in Cluj, Romania. Preconference presentation for ANIP, “The New City of St Basil the Great: A Christian Vision for the Relief of Suffering,” Cluj, Romania, October 27, 2010.
Plenary presentation at ANIP, “Integration of Palliative Care into Intensive Care: Is it a Clash of Cultures?” Cluj, Romania, October 29, 2010.
Half-Day Symposium on Communicating Bad News with Dr Roxana Chiris at National Hematology Conference, Sinaia, Romania, October 30, 2010.
Organized and helped teach a two-week intensive hands-on training in palliative care with Drs Karen Ogle and Jane Carnahan at St Paul Federal Hospital (St Paul Millennium Medical College), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 31, 2011 – February 11, 2011.
Presentation on the role of palliative care in regional cancer care in East Africa at “Racing against Time” a symposium on the development of regional cancer hosted at the African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 22, 2011.
Participated in home care visits and small group teaching with the Bucharest home care team of Hospice Casa Sperantei (HCS), Bucharest, Romania, February 24-25, 28, 2011.
Volunteer consulting with patient care and to assist in development of a quality management program at HCS, Brasov, Romania, March 1-10, 2011. Conducted a one-day retreat on quality management for HCS administrative staff, March 4, 2011.
Taught a course (28 hrs of formal lectures), “Suffering, Culture and Spirituality in Palliative Care” as part of the second semester curriculum for the Master’s Degree Course in Palliative Care of Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, March 11-12, 14-15, 2011.
Visiting professor with Dr. Karen Ogle at Mekelle University Medical School, Mekelle, Ethiopia and St. Paul Millennium Medical College and Federal Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Consultant and educator (with Drs. Karen Ogle and Judith Hills) for Hospice Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, September 2011.
Visiting professor with Dr. Jane Carnahan at St. Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, New York for presentation to seminarians entitled, “Spiritual Issues in Suffering and Palliative Care,” October 21, 2011.
American College of Surgeons 97th Clinical Congress, San Francisco, California, invited presentation, “Quality of Life Outcomes after Oncologic Surgery” in a panel session entitled, “Redefining Success in Surgery: Palliative Care Outcomes,” moderator, Dr. Anne Mosenthal, October 26, 2011.
Consultation on Quality Management and Protocols in Palliative Care for Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov and Bucharest, Romania; February 13 - March 31, 2012.
Lectures for Research Course in Palliative Care for Masters in Palliative Care Program of Transilvania University, Brasov, February 27-29, 2012:
Taught module on “Suffering, Culture and Spirituality in Palliative Care” as part of the second semester curriculum for the Master’s Degree Course in Palliative Care of Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania and served as Level II instructor for European Commission program to train palliative care providers in Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, March 4-16.
Visiting professor at the Andrei Saguna Orthodox Theological Faculty of Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania, March 19.
Provided training for end-of-life protocol and participated in home visits with hospice home care team, Hospice Casa Sperantei, Bucharest, Romania, March 26-31.
“Delirium: A Focal Point for Total Pain” given at Hospice of the Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, April 18, 2012.
Moderator for American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Panel Session: Hero, Victim, or Criminal? The Surgeon and Suffering in Chicago, Illinois, October 3, 2012.
Teaching activities in Romania at Hospice Casa Sperantei in Brasov and Bucharest, including co-leading a workshop on mentoring in palliative medicine, presentations on delirium in the total pain model and clinical consulting, October 8-23, 2012:
Presentation at international conference on pastoral care of persons with addictions at Brancoveanu Monastery in Sambata de Sus, 16-17 October 16-17.
Clergy conference in Brasov on spiritual care, October 18.
Teaching and Consulting Activities in Romania, February-March 2013:
Follow up clergy conference on spiritual care for hospital chaplains (with Fr. Paul Jannakos) in Brasov, February 7-8.
Spiritual care in the hospital setting – presentation with Fr. Paul Jannakos at Orthodox Theological Faculty in Sibiu, February 12.
First half of Masters in Palliative Care (Transilvania University) course on suffering, culture, and spirituality at the end of life taught in Brasov, February 14-16.
External examiner for faculty appointment at Transilvania University of first professor of palliative medicine (Dr. Daniela Mosoiu) in Romania, February 22.
Teaching at Sf. Nectarie Hospice, Cluj, including lectures on ethical issues and spiritual care at the end of life (2/23), case-based teaching on symptom management for hospice team (2/23), and half day clergy seminar for hospital chaplains on spiritual care at the bedside (2/26).
Bedside teaching and consultation including SWOT analysis for oncology and palliative care team at county/regional hospital in Alba Iulia, February 27-28, March 1.
Lecture on dyspnea pathophysiology and management at Hospice Casa Sperantei in Brasov, March 5.
Completed teaching course for Palliative Care Masters (Transilvania University) in Brasov, March 7-9.
“The Kenosis of the Dying: An Invitation to Healing” at John Templeton Conference, The Role of Death in Life at Castel Gandolfo, Italy, June 5-7, 2013.
Sessional Professor for PT 360 Suffering and the Nature of Healing (2 credit intensive course) taught at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY, June 17-28, 2013.
Invited presentation for Family Medicine Grand Rounds entitled, “Providing Spiritual Care for Patients with Advanced Illnesses” at St. John Health System, Detroit, MI, July 26, 2013.
Teaching one week at Sf. Nectarie hospice in Cluj and one week with the home care team of the Archbishop of Dobreta Turnu-Severin, Romania, September 1-14, 2013.
Member of panel for Introspection: The New Surgical Time Out a Town Hall session at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, October 8, 2013.
Presented retreat to the clergy of the Orthodox Church in America of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania entitled, “Kenosis of the Dying: An Invitation to Healing.” October 11, 2013.
Invited participant in a listserv and reviewer for Evidence Based Reviews in Surgery, January 7-21, 2014.
Sessional Professor for PT 361 Suffering in Modern Health Care: A Challenge for the Church (1 credit intensive course) taught at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY, January 20-25, 2014.
Teaching in Romania including Masters in Palliative Care (Transilvania University) course on Suffering, Culture, and Spirituality at the End of Life taught in Brasov, Romania; hospice volunteer training and bedside clinical teaching at Saint Nectarios Hospice, Cluj, Romania; lectures on Modern Health Care and the Sanctity of Life at the Theological Faculty of Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania; seminar in advanced spiritual care for second year Masters in Palliative Care students in Brasov, Romania; public lectures: Is Life Worth Living? and The Meaning of Icons for Orthodox Christians in Brasov, Romania, February 22 – March 29, 2014.
Invited interview by Medical Ethics Advisor (pub. July 2014), April 8, 2014.
Session Co-Chair for General Session 3, Skills for Addressing the End of Life and Death Café in the first American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Palliative Care in Oncology Conference, Boston, MA, October 24-25, 2014.
“Airing Our Dirty Linen: Reflecting on Our Poor Outcomes and Deaths,” Panel Session 106: My Cup Runneth Over: Surgeon Suffering and Burnout, at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, San Francisco, CA, October 27, 2014.
Taught a one-credit intensive hybrid (online/on campus) course: PT 362 The Therapeutic Encounter at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY, January 12-24, 2015.
“Orthodox Christianity: Pilgrimage through Suffering to Healing,” February 11, 2015 and presentation/participation in a Bioethics Roundtable Symposium – Jews, Christians, Muslims: Is Bioethics the Common Ground? Center for Christian Bioethics, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, February 14, 2015.
Visiting Professor, “The Human Dilemma Posed by Suffering; The Suffering Person and Caregivers” and “End-of-Life Care and the Possibility of Healing Independent of Cure,” St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, University of Balamand, Lebanon, February 27 - 28, 2015.
“Multidisciplinary Palliative Care and the Ethics of Patient Care” and “Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Care,” 7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities, Muscat, the Sultanate of Oman, March 3, 2015.
“Suffering, Culture, and Spirituality at the End of Life,” Masters in Palliative Care course, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania; formal teaching and bedside clinical teaching at Saint Nectarios Hospice, Cluj, Romania; consultative assistance with QA program and symposium planning at Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov, Romania; and hospice home visits and two lectures, “Dyspnea in Advanced Illness” and “Grief and Bereavement: A Special Form of Suffering,” at Hospice Casa Sperantei, Bucharest, March 6 – April 2, 2015.
Co-chair of general session one on communication, Death Café, and breakout session on non-pharmacologic therapies for pain and symptom management in palliative care at ASCO Palliative Care in Oncology Conference, Boston MA, October 9-10, 2015.
Plenary presentation for Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion (OCAMPR), “Becoming a Healing Presence,” Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, Brookline, MA, November 6, 2015.
Two hours of volunteer hospice training for prisoners at Jackson State Prison, Jackson, MI, November 19, 2015.
“Interaction of Palliative Care Units with other Health Care Institutions,” “Spiritual Care of the Dying within the Orthodox Tradition,” and “Breaking Bad News,” Master Class and plenary presentation at Russian National Hospice Association Meeting, Moscow Russia; “Bioethics in Hospice and Palliative Care: An Orthodox Christian Perspective,” at the Moscow Theological Academy, Holy Trinity Monastery, Sergiev Posad, Russia, December 3-5, 2015.
"Ministry to the Sick and Dying," Intensive Course in Pastoral Theology (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) for graduate students, St. John of Damascus Theological Institute University of Balamand, Lebanon, February 8-12, 2016.
One-Day Seminar, "Pastoral Needs and Accompaniment of the Elderly" with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw at St. John of Damascus Theological Institute, University of Balamand, Lebanon, February 13, 2016.
“Surgeons and Suffering,” Lebanon Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Beirut, Lebanon, February 18, 2016.
Invited Keynote Speaker and Discussant for Second Symposium on Palliative Care Development in Lebanon with two presentations entitled, "Integration of Palliative Care into Acute Care Medicine" and "Empathic Communication in Advanced Illness," Beirut, Lebanon, February 19-20, 2016.
"Suffering, Cultural Issues and Spirituality at the End of Life," Part One Masters in Palliative Care Course, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, February 25-27, 2016.
Seminar on “Pathological Grief” (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) at Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov, Romania, March 1, 2016.
Seminar on "Appropriateness of Resuscitation in Hospice Settings" (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) at Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov, Romania, March 3, 2016.
“Basic Palliative Care for Oncologists” course, Oncologic Institute of Cluj, Romania, March 8-10, 2016.
“The Role of Prayer in Healing,” (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) at ASCOR (Romanian Orthodox Christian Student Association) chapel, Babes Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania, March 13, 2016.
"Suffering, Cultural Issues and Spirituality at the End of Life," Part Two Masters in Palliative Care Course, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, March 17-19, 2016.
Intensive Clergy Seminar, “Challenges of Pastoral Care in the Health Care Setting” (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw, Dr. Daniela Mosoiu, and Fr. Cosmin Irimie), Brasov, Romania, March 21, 2016.
Visiting Professor in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw for Seminar presentation entitled, “The Journey of Aging: Psychological and Spiritual Preparation for Death,” at the St. Andrei Saguna Theological Faculty, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania, March 23, 2016.
Introductory Health Care Training for Clergy (in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw), Hospice Casa Sperantei, Bucharest, Romania March 28, 2016.
Palliative Care Training for Oncology Residents (lectures and hands on, bedside teaching in collaboration with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw, Dr. Daniela Mosoiu, and Dr. Liliana Stancilescu), Hospice Casa Sperantei, Bucharest March 29-30 and April 4-8, 2016.
Faculty with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw for course entitled “Integration of Physical, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Care at the the End of Life,” Sf. Irina Hospice, Bucharest, Romania, March31, April 1-2, 2016.
“The Torture of God,” Annual Martyrology Conference at Aiud Monastery, April 3, 2016.
Consultant for Swiss-Romanian training program for basic palliative care for general practitioners in Romania, April 7-8, 2016.
Invited Speaker for Colloquium, “The Light Shines in Darkness: Hope in the Midst of Suffering,” Montreal Institute of Orthodox Theology, Montreal, Canada, May 7, 2016.
Invited faculty for training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides at Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan, May 25, 2016.
Invited Speaker (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw), “Suffering and the Nature of Healing, The Role of Prayer in Healing, and Touch and the Healing of the World,” Spiritual Retreat at St Anthony the Great Orthodox Church, Bozeman, Montana, June 4, 2016.
Invited Speaker (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw), “Suffering and the Nature of Healing, The Role of Prayer in Healing, and Touch and the Healing of the World,” Annual Conference of Orthodox Women in Healing Ministries, Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery, Rives Junction, Michigan, September 30 and October 1, 2016.
Invited faculty for training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides, Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan, November 10, 2016.
Invited faculty for training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of women volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides, Michigan Department of Corrections, Ypsilanti, Michigan, February 17, 2017.
Visiting professor (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw), “Ministry to the Sick and Dying,” an intensive course for undergraduate students, St. John of Damascus Theological Faculty of Balamand University, Balamand, Lebanon, March 6-17, 2017.
Invited Speaker for Caring for the Caregiver conference, St. John of Damascus Theological Faculty of Balamand University, Balamand, Lebanon, March 18, 2017.
Clinical Teaching in Palliative Care at St. George’s University Hospital, Lebanon, March 20 - 23, 2017.
Invited Speaker at Symposium on Palliative Care Development, “Palliative Care: The Missing Link in 21st Century Medicine,” “Difficult Conversations in the Context of Total Pain,” and Panel Discussions on “Ethical Issues at the End of Life and Impact on Caregivers of Patients with Terminal Illnesses,” St. George’s Hospital University Hospital, Lebanon, March 24 - 25, 2017.
Teaching – Master in Palliative Care Course, “Suffering, Spirituality and Cultural Issues at the End of Life,” Princess Diana Study Centre of Hospice Casa Sperantei and Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania, March 30 – April 1 and April 27-29, 2017.
Teaching, Palliative Care Master Class: Clinical Excellence in Palliative Care: “Journal Club,” “Human Growth in Encountering Suffering,” “Impact of Physician Spirituality on Patient Care,” and “Management of Rare Symptoms in Palliative Care,” Kolping Hotel, Brasov, Romania April 3-7, 2017.
Teaching, Methylphenidate Rounds, and Spiritual Care Training for Hospice Professionals, Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov, Romania April 24-26, 2017
Conference for Hospital Clergy/Chaplains, “Impact of Materialism on the Spiritual Life and the Divine and Human Kenosis,” Brasov, Romania, May 2, 2017.
Consultant for Development of Palliative Care Curriculum for Medical Oncology Residents, Romania, May 2017 – present.
Invited presentation, “Consecrating the Therapeutic Act,” Annual Conference on Science and Religion, Bistrita, Romania May 8, 2017.
Teaching in Hospice Education Caravan, Bucharest Oncology Institute, Bucharest, Romania May 10-12, 2017
Teaching for Staff and Volunteers at Hospice Casa Sperantei, Bucharest, Romania, May 15-18, 2017.
Public Presentation, “Suffering under Communism: Lessons from the Life of Fr. Roman Braga,” Philology Faculty, Corpul T Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania May 21, 2017.
Invited faculty for training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides, Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan, August 4, 2017.
Fall Semester 2017 – Taught residential hybrid courses: Ministry to the Sick and Dying (PT 320 and PT 520) to M Div and D Min level students respectively, at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, NY.
Invited faculty for training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides, Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan, November 15, 2017.
Visiting Professor at St. John of Damascus Theological Institute of the University of Balamand, Balamand, Lebanon February 5-18, 2018. Taught intensive course for Master of Theology Students on Care of the Sick and Dying (February 5-9) and gave presentations on non-verbal communication in dementia, spiritual care at the end of life, and spiritual issues in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in conferences on February 17. Also, a presentation was given to medical students and residents on management of cancer pain and dyspnea in advanced illness at St. George’s University Hospital in Beirut on February 14.
Visiting Professor at Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania for a modular course on Suffering, Culture, and Spirituality at the End of Life for the Masters in Palliative Care program – February and March 2018
Visiting Professor at the University of Balamand, St John of Damascus Theological Institute, Balamand and St George’s University Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon (February 2-28, 2019)
Visiting Professor at Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania for a modular course on Suffering, Culture, and Spirituality at the End of Life for the Masters in Palliative Care program; master class in integrating palliative care into the training of oncology residents; clergy retreat on “When God is Silent in Suffering”; and palliative care physician certification training (March 2 – April 17, 2019)
Invited presenter at the Holy Synod on the Family of the Patriarchate of Antioch for the topic: “Orthodox Christian Accompaniment at the End of Life” and Visiting Professor at the St John of Damascus Theological Institute of the University of Balamand, Balamand, Lebanon (October 1-14, 2019)
“Living and Dying Well as Orthodox Christians in Post-Modernity.” Three presentations for a clergy retreat of the Western Diocese of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America: “A Call to Action: Overview of the Problem,” “Traditional Christian Anthropology in Conflict with the Radical Individualism of Secular Culture,” and “Remember Death! An Orthodox Christian Response to Autonomy Gone Mad.” Carmelite Retreat Center, Alhambra, California. February 3–5, 2020.
St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Webinair on Suffering during the Covid-19 Pandemic with Jane Carnahan Hinshaw, M.D. and hosted by Matushka Robyn Hatrack, April 8, 2020
External Reviewer for Ph.D. Thesis Defense of Fr Bassam Nassif, entitled, “The Mystery of Marriage Amid Deconstruction: A Dialogue Between Orthodox Anthropology and Postmodern Perspectives,” University of Balamand, Balamand, Lebanon on June 15, 2020 (via Webex Conference)
Invited presentation/visiting professor Central Michigan University College of Medicine: “Suffering and Aging: How Dying Defines Living,” September 11, 2020 (via Zoom Conference)
Invited plenary speaker for Romanian National Association for Palliative Care (ANIP): “Quality of Life and Suffering,” December 5, 2020 (via Zoom Conference)
“Pain, Suffering, and Palliative Care: An Orthodox Christian Perspective.” Virtual lecture given to theological students at St John of Damascus Theological Institute of Balamand University, Balamand, Lebanon. March 11, 2021.
“Suffering, Spirituality, and Cultural Issues at the End of Life,” Virtual Course for Master’s in Palliative Care, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania taught in six 3.5-hour segments on April 7, 15, 22 and May 13, 27, and June 3, 2021.
“Suffering in the Arts.” Virtual Lecture for Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellows from Henry Ford Health System and Wayne State University. April 21, 2021.
“Ethical Issues at the End of Life.” Virtual Seminar with Professor David Lantigua’s Bioethics Class, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN. April 27, 2021.
Three Continuing Education virtual lectures on different aspects of suffering and healing to clergy of the Orthodox Church in America given on May 20, 2021, September 16, 2021, and November 18, 2021.
“Living and Dying Well as Orthodox Christians.” Presentation (in person) given at St George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada on October 22, 2021.
“Care in the Last Hours and Days of Life.” Virtual lecture given to University of Michigan Geriatric Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellows on November 18, 2021.
“Transforming Health Care through a Kenotic Lens.” Inaugural Clarence Carnahan M.D. Lectureship in Psychiatry and Palliative Care. Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California. January 26, 2022.
“Living and Dying Well as Orthodox Christians in Post-Modernity.” Three presentations for the clergy retreat of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America (ROEA): “A Call to Action: Overview of the Problem,” “Traditional Christian Anthropology in Conflict with the Radical Individualism of Secular Culture,” and “Remember Death! An Orthodox Christian Response to Autonomy Gone Mad.” Franciscan Retreat Center, Scottsdale, Arizona. February 22–24, 2022.
“Suffering, Spirituality, and Cultural Issues at the End of Life,” Virtual Course for Master’s in Palliative Care, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania taught in six 3.5-hour segments on March 7, 17, 22; April 5; and May 10, 24, 2022.
“Suffering in the Arts.” Virtual lecture for University of Michigan Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellows, March 17, 2022.
Six online presentations on the Sanctity of Life with Fr Josiah Trenham on Patristic Nectar ( “Who Am I? Traditional Christian Anthropology vs. Radical Materialism,” “Pain and Suffering: Are they the Same?” “Suffering and Death in Christianity,” “Suffering and Ethics,” “Ethical Conflicts at the End of Life,” and “Kenosis: Dying unto Eternal Life.” Recorded on April 1, 8, and 15, 2022.
“Suffering in the Arts.” Virtual Lecture for Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellows from Henry Ford Health System and Wayne State University. April 6, 2022.
Invited faculty for virtual training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides (PPCAs), Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan April 18, 2022.
Invited Keynote Presentation entitled, “The Surgeon as Healer in a Suffering World,” and another presentation entitled, “Truth Telling in Advanced Illness,” as part of a panel on spirituality in surgical palliative care at the Inaugural Meeting of the Surgical Palliative Care Society, San Diego, CA. October 18, 2022.
“The Foundation of Hospice in Hospitality,” virtual presentation at the annual meeting of the Romanian Palliative Care Association (ANIP), October 20, 2022.
Invited faculty for resumption of in-person training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw and Dr Kristin Collier) of women volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides (PPCAs), Michigan Department of Corrections, Ypsilanti, Michigan November 17, 2022
“Suffering in the Arts,” lecture to University of Michigan Geriatrics Medicine Fellows, December 15, 2022.
Invited faculty for resumption of in-person training (with Dr. Jane Carnahan Hinshaw) of volunteer Prisoner Palliative Care Aides (PPCAs), Michigan State Prison Hospital, Jackson, Michigan January 26, 2023.
Four Virtual (Web Ex) Lectures for Bachelor of Theology Students at St John of Damascus Theological Institute of Balamand University, Balamand, Lebanon, entitled, “Pain, Suffering, and Palliative Care: An Orthodox Christian Perspective;” “Suffering and Biomedical Ethics;” “Ethical Conflicts at the End of the Life;” and “Kenosis: Dying unto Eternal Life.” February 6–9, 2023.
“Suffering, Spirituality, and Cultural Issues at the End of Life,” Virtual Course for Master’s in Palliative Care, Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania taught in six 3.5-hour segments on March 14, 21, 28; April 4; and May 3, 9, 2023.
Other Invited Professional Activities
Michigan Chapter, American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Judge of Resident Papers, Lansing, Michigan, May 7, 1998.
Peer-Reviewed Journals and Publications
1. Hinshaw, DB, et al: A new non-enzymatic method for the isolation of functional pancreatic islets. Surg. Forum XXXII:381-383, 1981.
2. Hinshaw, DB, Jolley, WB, Hinshaw, DB, et al: Islet autotransplantation after pancreatectomy for chronic pancreatitis with a new method of islet preparation. Am. J. Surg. 142:118-122, 1981.
3. Jolley, WB, Weldon, B, Knierim, K, Hinshaw, DB, et al: Successful allografts of pancreatic islets in diabetic rabbits after donor-specific blood transfusion and anti-lymphocyte serum treatment. Transplant Proc. XIV:413-414, 1982.
- 4. Jolley, WB, Hinshaw, DB, et al: Magnetic field effects on calcium efflux and insulin secretion in isolated rabbit islets of Langerhans. Bioelectrom 4(l):102-106, 1983.
5. Hinshaw, DB, Schmidt, CA, et al: Arteriovenous fistula in arterial reconstruction of the ischemic limb. Arch. Surg. 118:589-592, 1983.
6. Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, and Cochrane, CG: Glutathione cycle activity and pyridine nucleotide levels in oxidant-induced injury of cells. J. Clin. Invest. 76:1131-1139, 1985.
7. Spragg, RG, Hinshaw, DB, Hyslop, PA, Schraufstatter, IU, and Cochrane CG: Alterations in adenosine triphosphate and energy charge in cultured endothelial and P388Dl cells after oxidant injury. J. Clin. Invest. 76:1471-1476, 1985.
8. Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, and Cochrane, CG: Oxidant injury of cells: DNA strand breaks activate poly-ADP-ribose polymerase and lead to depletion of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. J. Clin. Invest. 77:1312-1320, 1986.
9. Hinshaw, DB, Sklar, L, Bohl, B, Schraufstatter, 1, Hyslop, P, Rossi, M, Spragg, R, and Cochrane, CG: Cytoskeletal and morphological impact of cellular oxidant injury. Am. J. Pathol. 123:454-464, 1986.
10. Schraufstatter, IU, Hyslop, PA, Hinshaw, DB, Spragg, RG, Sklar, LA and Cochrane, CG: Influence of inhibition of poly ADP-ribose polymerase on cellular oxidant injury. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. (USA) 83:4908-4912, 1986.
11. Hyslop, PA, Hinshaw, DB, Schraufstatter, IU, Spragg, RG, Sklar, LA, and Cochrane, CG: Intracellular calcium homeostasis during hydrogen peroxide injury to cultured P388Dl cells. J. Cell Physiol. 129:356-366, 1986.
12. Hyslop, PA, Hinshaw, DB, Halsey, WA, Jr, Schraufstatter, IU, Sauerheber, RD, Spragg, RG, Jackson, JH, and Cochrane, CG: Mechanisms of oxidant-mediated cell injury: The glycolytic and mitochondrial pathways of ADP phosphorylation are major intracellular targets inactivated by hydrogen peroxide. J. Biol. Chem. 263:1665-1675, 1988.
- 13. Hinshaw, DB, Armstrong, BC, Beals, TF, and Hyslop, PA: A cellular model of endothelial cell ischemia. J. Surg. Res. 44:527-537, 1988.
14. Hinshaw, DB, Armstrong, BC, Burger, JM, Beals, TF, and Hyslop, PA: ATP and microfilaments in cellular oxidant injury. Am. J. Pathol. 132:479-488, 1988.
- 15. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Armstrong, BC, and Hyslop, PA: Mechanism of endothelial cell shape change in oxidant injury. J. Surg. Res. 46:339-349, 1989.
- 16. Wakefield, TW, Ucros, 1, Kresowik, TF, Hinshaw, DB, and Stanley, JC: Decreased oxygen consumption as a toxic manifestation of protamine sulfate reversal of heparin anticoagulation. J. Vasc. Surg. 9:772-777, 1989.
17. Wakefield, TW, Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Burkel, WE, and Stanley, JC: Protamine induces reductions of endothelial cell ATP. Surgery 106:378-385, 1989.
18. Schmeling, DJ, Caty, MG, Oldham, KT, Guice, KS, and Hinshaw, DB: Evidence for a neutrophil-related acute lung injury following intestinal ischemia-reperfusion. Surgery 106:195202, 1989.
19. Abdala, EK, Caty, MG, Guice, KS, Hinshaw, DB, and Oldham, KT: Arterial levels of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) reflect oxidant stress in vivo. J. Surg. Res. 48:291-296, 1990.
- 20. Hinshaw, DB, and Burger, JM: Protective effect of glutamine on endothelial cell ATP in oxidant injury. J. Surg. Res. 49:222-227, 1990.
- 21. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Delius, RE, Hyslop, PA: Mechanism of protection of oxidant-injured endothelial cells by glutamine. Surgery 108:298-305, 1990.
22. Bechard, DE, Fairman, RP, Hinshaw, DB, Fowler, AA, Glauser, FL. In vivo interieukin-2 activated sheep lung lymph lymphocytes increase bovine vascular endothelial permeability by non-lytic mechanisms. Eur. J. Cancer 26(10):1074-8, 1990.
23. Delius, RE, and Hinshaw, DB: Metabolic inhibition potentiates oxidant injury. J. Surg. Res. 50:314-322, 1991.
24. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Beals, TF, Armstrong, BC, and Hyslop, PA: Actin polymerization in cellular oxidant injury. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 288:311-316, 1991.
25. Rees, R, Hinshaw, DB, Cashmer, B, IM, M, Smith, D, Smith Jr, DJ: Experimental evidence that oxidative stress from delay upregulates antioxidant defenses in ischemic skin. Surgical Forum XLII:648-650, 1991.
26. Turnage, RH, Bagnasco, J Burger, JM, Guice KS, Oldham, KT, and Hinshaw, DB: Hepatocellular oxidant stress following intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. J. Surg. Res. 51:467-471, 1991.
27. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Delius, RE, Hyslop, PA, and Omann, GM: Inhibition of organic anion transport in endothelial cells by hydrogen peroxide. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 298:464-470, 1992.
28. Gerkin, RM, Oldham, KT, Guice, KS, Hinshaw, DB, and Ryan, US: Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury causes pulmonary endothelial cell ATP depletion. Ann Surg. 217:48-56, 1993.
29. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Miller, MT, Adams JA, Beals, TF, and Omann, GM: ATP depletion induces an increase in the assembly of a labile pool of polymerized actin in endothelial cells. Am. J.Physiol. 264 (Cell Physiol.33): Cl171-Cl179, 1993.
30. Hinshaw, DB, Miller, MT, Omann, GM, Beals, TF, and Hyslop, PA: A cellular model of oxidant-mediated neuronal injury. Brain Res. 615:13-26, 1993.
31. Omann, GM, Harter, JM, Burger, JM, Hinshaw, DB. H202-induced increases in cellular F-actin occur without increases in actin nucleation activity. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 308:407-412, 1994.
32. Zhang, Z, Turner, DC, Drzewiecki, GJ, Hinshaw, DB, and Hyslop, PA. Impairment of integrin-mediated cell-matrix adhesion in oxidant stressed-PC 12 cells. Brain Res. 662:189-197, 1994.
- 33. Rees, RS, Smith, DJ, Jr., Adamson, B, Im, M, and Hinshaw, DB. Oxidant stress: the role of the glutathione redox cycle in skin pre-conditioning. J. Surg. Res. 58:395-400, 1995.
- 34. Hyslop, PA, Hinshaw, DB, Schraufstafter, IU, Cochrane, CG, Kunz, S, and Vosbeck, K. Hydrogen peroxide as a potent bacteriostatic antibiotic: Implications for host defense. Free Rad. Biol. Med., 19:31-37, 1995.
35. Nurko, S, Sagabe, K, Davis, JA, Roeser, NF, Defrain, M, Chien, A, Hinshaw, D, Athey, B, Meixner, W, Venkatachalam, MA, and Weinberg, JM. Contribution of actin cytoskeletal alterations to ATP depletion and calcium-induced proximal tubule cell injury. Am. J. Physiol 270 (Renal, Fluid Electrolyte, Physiol, 39), F39-F52, 1996.
36. Delius, RE, Dezan, J, Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB. Metabolic inhibition potentiates oxidant mediated injury of the endothelial cytoskeleton. J. Surg. Res. 63:79-88, 1996.
37. Levee, MG, Dabrowska, MI, Lelli, Jr., JL, and Hinshaw, DB. Actin polymerization and depolymerization during apoptosis in HL60 cells. Am. J. Physiol. (Cell Physiol. 40): C1981-Cl992, 1996.
38. Dabrowska, Ml, Becks, LL, Lelli, Jr., JL, Levee, MG, and Hinshaw, DB. Sulfur mustard induces apoptosis and necrosis in endothelial cells. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 141:568-583, 1996.
39. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB. Ultraviolet irradiation accelerates apoptosis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes: Protection by lipopolysaccharide and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. J. Leukocyte Biol. 62:517-523, 1997.
40. Sweeney, JF, Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB. Autocrine/paracrine modulation of PMN survival following stimulation with C. Albicans. Shock 9:146-152, 1998.
41. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB. Lipopolysaccharide Protects Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes from Apoptosis via Tyrosine Phosphorylation Dependent Signal Transduction Pathways. J. Surg. Res. 74:64-70, 1998.
- 42. Lelli, Jr., JL, Becks, LL, Dabrowska, MI, Hinshaw, DB. ATP Converts Necrosis to Apoptosis in Oxidant-Injured Endothelial Cells. Free Rad. Biol. Med. 25:694-702, 1998.
43. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Omann, G, and Hinshaw, DB. Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Rescues Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes from Ultraviolet Irradiation-Accelerated Apoptosis. J. Surg. Res. 81:108-112, 1999.
44. Hinshaw, DB, Lodhi, IJ, Hurley, LL, Atkins, KB, and Dabrowska, MI. Activation of Poly [ADP-Ribose] Polymerase in Endothelial Cells and Keratinocytes: Role in an In Vitro Model of Sulfur Mustard-Mediated Vesication. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 156:17-29, 1999.
45. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Atkins, KB, and Hinshaw, DB. Chelerythrine Chloride Induces Rapid PMN Apoptosis through Activation of Caspase-3. Shock 13(6):464-471, 2000.
46. Atkins, KB, Lodhi, IJ, Hurley, LL, and Hinshaw, DB. N-Acetylcysteine and Endothelial Cell Injury by Sulfur Mustard. J. Appl. Toxicol. 20:S125-S128, 2000
47. Lodhi, IJ, Clift, RE, Omann, GM, Sweeney, JF, and Hinshaw, DB. Inhibition of Mono-ADP-Ribosyl Transferase Activity During the Execution Phase of Apoptosis Prevents Apoptotic Body Formation. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 387:66-77, 2001.
48. Lodhi, IJ, Sweeney, JF, Clift, RE, and Hinshaw, DB. Nuclear Dependence of Sulfur Mustard-Mediated Cell Death. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 170:69-77, 2001
49. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen PK, and Hinshaw, DB. Caspase-3 Inhibition Partially Protects Oxidant Production in Apoptotic Human Neutrophils. J. Surg. Res. 98:66-70, 2001
- Easson, AM, Hinshaw, DB, and Johnson, DL. The Role of Tube Feeding and Total Parenteral Nutrition in Advanced Illness (with Invited Commentary). J Am Coll Surg 194: 225-229, 2002.
- Piotrowski, MM and Hinshaw, DB. The Safety Checklist Program: Creating a Culture of Safety in Intensive Care Units. Joint Comm. J Qual. Improv. 28: 306-315, 2002.
- Piotrowski, MM, Saint, S, and Hinshaw, DB. The Safety Case Management Committee: Expanding the Avenues for Addressing Patient Safety. Joint Comm. J Qual. Improv. 28: 296-305, 2002.
- Hinshaw, DB, Carnahan, JM, and Johnson, DL. Depression, Anxiety, and Asthenia in Advanced Illness (with Invited Commentary). J Am Coll Surg. 195: 271-278, 2002
- Hinshaw, DB. The Spiritual Needs of the Dying Patient (with Invited Commentary). J Am Coll Surg. 195: 565-569, 2002
- Hinshaw, DB, Pawlik, T, Mosenthal, AC, Civetta, JM, and Hallenbeck, J. When Do We Stop, and How Do We Do It? Medical Futility and Withdrawal of Care. J Am Coll Surg. 196: 621-651, 2003.
- Piotrowski, MM, Paterson, C, Mitchinson, A, Kim, HM, Kirsh, M, Hinshaw, DB. Massage as Adjuvant Therapy in the Management of Acute Postoperative Pain: A Preliminary Study in Men. J Am Coll Surg. 197: 1037-1046, 2003.
- Levitt, JM, Lodhi, IJ, Nguyen, PK, Ngo, V, Clift, R, Hinshaw, DB, and Sweeney, JF. Low-dose Sulfur Mustard Primes Oxidative Function and Induces Apoptosis in Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes. Int. ImmunoPharmacol. 485: 1-10, 2003.
- Lee, KF, Purcell, GP, Hinshaw, DB, Krouse, RS, and Baluss, M. Clinical Palliative Care for Surgeons: Part 1. J Am Coll Surg. 198: 303-319, 2004.
- Lee, KF, Johnson, D, Purcell, GP, Hinshaw, DB, Krouse, RS, and Baluss, M. Clinical Palliative Care for Surgeons: Part 2. J Am Coll Surg. 198: 477-491, 2004.
- Hinshaw, DB. Spiritual Issues at the End of Life. Clin in Family Pract, 6(2): 423-440, 2004.
- Hinshaw, DB. Spiritual Issues in Surgical Palliative Care. Surg Clin N Am, 85:257-272, 2005.
- Mitchinson, AM, Kim, HM, Rosenberg, JM, Geisser, M, Kirsh, M, Cikrit, D, and Hinshaw, DB. Acute post-operative pain management using massage as adjuvant therapy: A randomized trial. Arch Surg, 142(12):1158-1167, 2007.
- Mitchinson, AM, Kim, HM, Geisser, ME, Rosenberg, JM, Hinshaw, DB. Social Connectedness and Patient Recovery after Major Operations. J. Am. Coll. Surg. 206(2):292-300, 2008.
- Hinshaw, DB. Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Care. J. Med. Liban. 56(2):122-128, 2008.
- Woll, M, Hinshaw, DB, and Pawlik, TM. Spirituality and Religion in the Care of Surgical Oncology Patients with Life-Threatening or Advanced Illnesses. Ann. Surg. Oncol. 15(11): 3048-3057, 2008.
- Hinshaw, DB and Dunn, GP. Special Issue on Palliative Surgery: Guest Editorial. Prog. Pall. Care 17(5): 235-6, 2009.
- Hinshaw, DB, Carnahan, JM, Breck, JR, Mosoiu, N, and Mosoiu, D. Spiritual Issues in Suffering: Creating a Dialogue between Clergy and Palliative Care Providers. Prog. Pall. Care, 2011; 19(1): 7-14.
68. Mitchinson, A, Fletcher, C, Kim, M, Montagnini, M, and Hinshaw, DB. Integrating massage therapy within the palliative care of veterans with advanced illnesses: An outcome study. Am. J. Hosp. Pall. Care, 2014; 31 (1): 6-12.
69. Hinshaw, DB, and Carnahan Hinshaw, J. Addiction at the End of Life: ‘Total Pain’ and the Passions, European Journal of Science and Theology, February 2013, Vol. 9, Supplement 1, 51-60.
70. Pawlik, TM, Devon, KM, Fields, CA, and Hinshaw, DB. What are patients’ expectations about the effects of chemotherapy for advanced cancer? J Am Coll Surg 2014; 219(3): 588-590.
71. Fletcher, CE, Mitchinson, AR, Trumble, EL, Hinshaw, DB, and Dusek, JA. Perceptions of providers and administrators in the Veterans Health Administration regarding
complementary and alternative medicine. Medical Care 2014; Dec; 52(12 Suppl 5) S91-96.
72. Fletcher CE, Mitchinson AR, Trumble EL, Hinshaw DB, Dusek JA. Perceptions of Other Integrative Health Therapies by Veterans with Pain Who Are Receiving Massage; J Rehab R&D 2016; 53(1): 117-126.
73. Wancata, LM, and Hinshaw, DB. Rethinking autonomy: decision making between patient and surgeon in advanced illnesses, Ann Transl Med 2016;4(4):77-88.
74. Wancata, LM, Hinshaw, DB, Suwanabol, PA. Palliative Care and Surgical Training: Are We Being Trained to Be Unprepared? Annals of Surgery 2017; 265 (1): 32-33.
75. Fletcher, CE, Mitchinson AR, Trumble EL, Hinshaw DB, Dusek JA. Providers’ and Administrators’ Perceptions of Complementary and Integrative Health Practices across the Veterans Health Administration, J Alternat Complement Med. 2017;23(1):26-34.
76. Suwanabol PA, Hinshaw DB. Interventions to Reduce Postoperative Delirium: Aligning Surgical Care with Patient's Needs and Priorities. Invited Commentary. JAMA Surg. 2017; 152(9): 834.
77. Hinshaw, DB. Historical Notes on the Founding of the Surgical Palliative Care Society.
American Surgeon, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/00031348231157420.
78. Marterre, B, Hinshaw, DB, and Shinall, M. Spirituality in Surgery—A Double-Edged Scalpel. American Surgeon, 2023. DOI: 10.1177/00031348231157805.
Other Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Hinshaw, Daniel B. and Carnahan-Hinshaw, Jane: A Christian Ending to Our Life. St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 2000; 44(1): 61-82.
Non Peer-Reviewed Publications
1. Cochrane, CG, Spragg, RG, Schraufstatter, IU, Revak, SD, Hyslop, PA, and Hinshaw, DB: Oxidant and protease effectors in acute inflammation. Proceedings of the 4th Leiden Conference on Mononuclear phagocytes. Noordwijk, Netherlands. May 9-16, 1984.
2. Hyslop, PA, Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, Spragg, RG, Sklar, LA, and Cochrane, CG: Mechanisms of oxidant injury of cells in inflammation. Proceedings of the III International Congress of Inflammation, Paris, Sept 2-8, 1984.
3. Spragg, RG, Schraufstatter, IU, Hyslop, PA, Hinshaw, DB, and Cochrane, CG: Oxidant injury of cultured cells: Biochemical consequences. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 236A: 253-8, 1987.
4. Hinshaw, DB, Dabrowska, MI, Becks, LL, Levee, MG, Lelli, Jr., JL. Sulfur Mustard induces apoptosis and necrosis in endothelial cells. Proceedings 1996 Medical Defense Bioscience Review, Vol. 11:653-663,1996.
- 5. Neumann, RK, Fisher, TR, and Hinshaw, DB. Models from Other Disciplines: What Can We Learn from Them? In Erasing Lines: Integrating the Law School Curriculum (2001 Association of Legal Writing Directors Conference Proceedings) J Assoc Legal Writ Dir 1: 165-183, 2002
- 6. Piotrowski, MM, Saint, S, Hinshaw, DB. Expanding the avenues for addressing patient safety. Mich Health Hosp. 38(5):33, 2002.
- 7. Hinshaw, DB. Multidisciplinary Palliative Care and the Ethics of Patient Care, ACCESS Health Journal (7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities: Conference Proceedings); pp. 81-85, 2016
- 8. Hinshaw, DB. Ethical Issues in End-of-Life Care, ACCESS Health Journal (7th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities: Conference Proceedings); pp. 86-91, 2016
Chapters in Books
1. Hinshaw, DB: The role of alterations in the endothelial cytoskeleton in ischemic injury. 1990 in Clinical Ischemic Syndromes: Mechanisms and Consequences of Tissue Injury. pp.243-255; Zelenock, G. et al eds., C.V. Mosby. St. Louis, Missouri.
2. Hinshaw, DB and Greenfield, LJ: Shock. 1990 in Clinical Ischemic Syndromes: Mechanisms and Consequences of Tissue Injury. pp.483-492; Zelenock, G. et al eds., C.V. Mosby. St. Louis, Missouri.
3. Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB: Inflammation (Chapter 5). 1992 in Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice. Ed. in Chief: L.J. Greenfield, M.D. J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia, PA.
4. Hyslop, PA, Halsey Jr, WA, Hinshaw, DB, Schraufstatter, IU, Sauerheber, RD, and Cochrane, CG, 1992. The mechanism of inactivation of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase by hydrogen peroxide in vitro: A study on a molecular aspect of oxidant mediated tissue injury. In The Molecular Basis of Oxidative Damage by Leukocytes, Jesaitis, AJ, and Dratz, EA eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
5. Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB: Inflammation (Chapter 6). 1996 in Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice. 2nd Edition Ed. in Chief: L.J. Greenfield, M.D. J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA.
6. Davis, MP and Hinshaw, DB. Management of Visceral Pain Due to Cancer-Related Intestinal Obstruction (Chapter 38) pages 481-495, 2006. In Cancer Pain: Pharmacologic, Interventional, and Palliative Care Approaches, ed. De Leon-Casasola, OA., Elsevier Science, Philadelphia PA.
7. Hinshaw, DB. Management of the Older Surgical Patient (Chapter 5g) pages 69-74, 2006. In Current Surgical Diagnosis and Treatment, 12th edition; Editor: Doherty, G., McGraw-Hill, NY, NY.
8. Hall, DE, Angelos, P, Dunn, GP, Hinshaw, DB, and Pawlik, TM. Chapter 48, The Moral Foundations of Surgery: Ethics, Palliative Care and Care at the End of Life in Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, 9th ed., McGraw Hill, NY, NY, 2009.
9. Hinshaw, DB and Dunn, GP. Chapter 19 (pages 227-240): Care During the Final Days of Life in Surgical Palliative Care: A Resident’s Guide. GP Dunn, Editor-in-Chief, Martensen, R, and Weissman, D, Associate Editors. American College of Surgeons & Cuniff-Dixon Foundation. Essex, CT. 2009
10. Reoma, JL, and Hinshaw, DB. Chapter 19 (pages 149-155): Small Bowel Resection in Current Procedures: Surgery. Eds. Minter, RM and Doherty, GM. Lange Medical Books, McGraw Hill Medical, New York, 2010.
11. Dunn, GP, Hinshaw, DB, and Pawlik, TM. Chapter 37 (pages 390-397): Palliative Care and Surgery in Supportive Oncology. Eds. Davis MP, Feyer, PC, Ortner, P, and Zimmermann, C. Elsevier, Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
12. Hinshaw, DB, Jacobson, PD, and Weisel, MP. Chapter 8 (pages 157-181): Individual and Social Callousness towards Human Suffering in Suffering and Bioethics Eds., Green, RM and Palpant, NJ; Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2014.
13. Hinshaw, DB. Kenosis of the Dying: An Invitation to Healing, pp. 155-163 in The Role of Death in Life: A Multidisciplinary Examination of the Relationship between Life and Death, Eds. Cunningham, C and Behr, J., Cascade Books (Division of Wipf and Stock Publishers), Eugene, Oregon, 2015
14. Hall, DE, Angelos, P, Dunn, GP, Hinshaw, DB, and Pawlik, TM. Chapter 48 (pages 1941-1954): Ethics, Palliative Care and Care at the End of Life in Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery, Brunicardi, F.C., Editor-in-Chief; 10th ed., McGraw Hill, NY, NY, 2015.
15. Hinshaw, DB. Becoming a Healing Presence, pp. 22-40 in Caregivers as Confessors and Healers: Eds. Muse, S, Burg, J, and Woroncow, H. (Proceedings from the Annual National Conference of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology, and Religion, November 5-7, 2015) Eighth Day Institute, Wichita, KS 2016
16. Fletcher, CE, Mitchinson, AR, and Hinshaw, DB. Case Study: An Analysis of the Implementation of a Therapeutic Massage Therapy Program at a Veterans Administration Medical Center Using Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory, book chapter in press in Complementary Medicine and Culture: The changing cultural territory of local and global healing practices; Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. 2017
- 17. Hinshaw, DB. Chapter 5 (pages 43-54): Spirituality and Surgery in Surgical Palliative Care, Mosenthal, AC and Dunn, GP., eds.; Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2019.
- 18. Harbaugh, CM, Scally, CP, Hinshaw, DB, and Suwanabol, PA. Between a Rock and a
Hard Place: Anticipating Poor Surgical Outcomes While Honoring Patient Autonomy, pp. 145-152 in Palliative Skills for Frontline Clinicians: Case Vignettes in Everyday Hospital Medicine, Eds. Aberger, K, and Wang, D. Springer Nature Switzerland 2020
19. Hinshaw, DB, and Carnahan Hinshaw, J. the Death of His Saints – Reflections on Orthodox Christianity and the Hospice Movement, pp. 322-331 in Essays in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Dr Pavel Chirila, („Scumpă este moartea Cuvioșilor Săi”. Reflecții asupra creștinismului ortodox și a mișcării hospice. Pentru o medicină creștină: In honorem Pavel Chirilă, cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 75 de ani) Eds., Croitoru, IM, and Moldovan, S., Doxologia Publishing, Iasi, Romania 2021.
20. Hinshaw, DB. Chapter 5: The Challenge of Truth-Telling in Cancer Care, United States in Global Perspectives in Cancer Care: Religion, Spirituality, and Cultural Diversity in Health and Healing, pp. 45-56; Silbermann, M, and Berger, A., Eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK 2022
Manuals/Educational Texts
Mosoiu, D, Hinshaw, J, Hinshaw, D, Burlacu, G, Horeica, R, Ancuta, C, and Mitrea, N. Manualul Formatorului in Ingrijirea Paliativa [Training Manual in Palliative Care] (for undergraduate nursing training in palliative care). Fundatia Hospice Casa Sperantei, Brasov Romania, 2010.
Books – Non-Fiction
Hinshaw, DB. Suffering and the Nature of Healing, Yonkers, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2013.
Hinshaw, DB. Touch and the Healing of the World, Yonkers, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2017.
Hinshaw, DB. Thriving in the Face of Mortality: Kenosis and the Mystery of Life, Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, 2023.
Hinshaw, DB. Journey to Simplicity: The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga, Yonkers, New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, in press, 2023.
Books – Fiction
Hinshaw, DB. Neither Bond Nor Free: A Novel, Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2019
Published Book Reviews
Hinshaw, DB. Cellular Proteolytic Systems: Ciechanover, AJ and Schwartz, AL, eds., Wiley-Liss, New York, NY. Free Rad. Biol. Med. 19:705-707, 1995.
Hinshaw, DB, Putting Palliative Care into Perspective, Surgery News, page 6, December 2005.
Published Interviews
In “Lack of data on palliative care: Need to move into mainstream;” Medical Ethics Advisor, 30 (7): 83, 2014
Abstracts, Preliminary Communications, Panel Discussions
- 1. Jolley, WB, Hinshaw, DB, et al: Pulsed magnetic field effects on chemotactic response of rabbit peritoneal macrophages to zymosan treated serum. BRAGS, November 1981.
- 2. Spragg, RG, Hinshaw, DB, Schraufstatter, IU, Peters, J, Cochrane, CG: Oxidant injury of cultured macrophages results in rapid decrease in intracellular ATP. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 129 (4, Part 2):Z-317, 1984.
3. Schraufstatter, IU, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, Hinshaw, DB, Sklar, LA, and Cochrane, CG: Parameters of oxidant induced cell injury. Fed. Proc. 43:1803, 1984.
4. Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, Sklar, LA, and Cochrane, CG: Biochemical mechanism of oxidant induced tissue injury. Clin. Res., 1985.
5. Hinshaw, DB, Sklar, L, Boh, B, Wencel-Drake, J, Hyslop, PA, Schraufstatter IU, Rossi, M, Spragg, RG, and Cochrane, CG: The cytoskeleton and cellular oxidant injury. Fed. Proc. 44(6):1919, 1985.
- 6. Spragg, RG, Hyslop, PA, Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, and Cochrane, CG: Oxidant injury of cultured cells results in rapid decrease in intracellular ATP. Fed. Proc. 44(4):1125, 1985.
7. Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw, DB, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, and Cochrane, CG: ADP ribosylation in cellular oxidant injury. Fed. Proc. 44(4):1125, 1985.
- 8. Hinshaw, DB, Sklar, LA, Hyslop, PA, Schraufstatter, IU, Spragg, RG, and Cochrane,CG: Oxidant injury and cellular morphology. Circ. Shock 16(l):49-50, 1985.
- 9. Cochrane, CG, Schraufstatter, IU, Hinshaw DB, Hyslop, PA, Spragg, RG, and Sklar,LA: ATP in oxidant-induced tissue injury. V. International Symposium on human purine and pyrimidine metabolism. San Diego, CA, July 18-August 1, 1985.
- 10. Hinshaw, DB, Armstrong, BC, and Hyslop, PA: Microfilament disruption in oxidant injury. Fed. Proc. 46(4):1152, 1987.
- 11. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Armstrong, BC, Beals, TF, Omann, GM, and Hyslop, PA: Actin and glutathione in oxidant injury. FASEB J. 3:A 1230, 1989.
12. Turnage, RH, Guice, KS, Oldham, KT, and Hinshaw, DB: Intestinal ischemia and reperfusion induces a liver injury. FASEB J. 4:A761, 1990.
13. Hinshaw, DB, Burger, JM, Omann, GM, and Hyslop, PA: H202 can exert toxic effects on endothelial cells independent of ATP synthetic pathways. Free Rad. Bio. & Med. (Abstract) 9 (Suppl):108.
14. Hyslop, PA, Halsey, WA, Jr, Hinshaw, DB, Schraufstatter, IU, and Cochrane, CG: Mechanism of inactivation of glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase by H202. J. Cell. Biochem (Abstract) Supp. 15C:207.
15. Omann, GM, Harter, JM, Burger, JM, and Hinshaw, DB: H202-induced increases in cellular F-actin occur without increases in actin nucleation activity. J. Cell. Biochem. (Abstract) Suppl. 15C:218.
- 16. Delius, RE, Dezan, J, and Hinshaw, DB: Oxidant mediated cytoskeletal injury is potentiated by prior metabolic inhibition (MI). FASEB J. 5:A 887, 1991.
17. Sweeney, TF, Omann, GM, and Hinshaw, DB. Autocrine/paracrine modulation of PMN survival following stimulation with C. Albicans. Shock 5 (Suppl. 2):72, 1996.
18. Levee, MG, Dabrowska, Ml, Leiii, Jr., JL, and Hinshaw, DB. Actin depolymerization is a consistent feature of apoptosis in HL-60 Cells. FASEB J (Abstract) Supp. 10(6):A 1010, 1996.
19. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Omann, G, Hinshaw, D. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) protect PMN from apoptosis: role of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). FASEB J. 12:A4622, 1998.
20. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Omann, GM, Hinshaw, DB. Granulocyte Macrophage colony Stimulating Factor Rescues Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes from Ultraviolet Irradiation Accelerated Apoptosis. 22nd Symposium of the Association of VA Surgeons. Baltimore, MD, 1998.
- 21. Sweeney, JF, Nguyen, PK, Atkins, KB, and Hinshaw, DB. Chelerythrine Chloride Induces Rapid PMN Apoptosis through Activation of Caspase-3. Shock 11 (Suppl. 1): A 35, 1999.