Recent Publications
St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology at the University of Balamand is committed to disseminating the fruits of its research and scholarship in various theological fields and in different languages. Here below are the recent scholarly publications by the Institute’s full-time faculty members, which include book chapters, journal articles, and international conference proceedings. Kindly note that the complete list of publications for each faculty member can be found in the University of Balamand Repository.
E. Transformative Dialogue, Conflict, and Peacebuilding - Dr. Elias Halabi
El Halabi, E. Transformative Dialogue, Conflict, and Peacebuilding. The Ecumenical Review, March 2025.
- Written by Dr. Elias Halabi
- Category: 2025
From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-Acts - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
Ayuch, Daniel. From Homo Sedentarius to Homo Peregrinator: The Nomadic Nature of Humanity in Luke-Acts. In: Pricop, Cosmin, et al. Images of the Human Being Eighth International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Caraiman Monastery, May 26 to 31 2019. Mohr Siebeck, 2024, 85-99.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2024
The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and Foundations - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
Ayuch, Daniel. The Gospel of Luke’s Narrative. Its Main Features and Foundations. In: St John of Damascus Institute of Theology Annals 14 (2024), 281-300.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2024
The Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes Revisiting the Lucan parable in the light of the Kingdom - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
Ayuch, Daniel. The Good Samaritan and the Beatitudes Revisiting the Lucan parable in the light of the Kingdom. In: Sava, Viorel (ed.). Discursul teologic, cuvântul care zidește și vindecă. Valențe ale cercetărilor doctorale actuale (Theological Discourse, The Word that Builds and Heals. Contributions of Current Doctoral Research). Studia Theologica Doctoralia XVI. Iasi and Graz: Doxologia and Universität Graz, 2024, 521-534.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2024
The Vision of Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch about the Diaspora. A Thematic Survey and An Analysis of His Homilies and Publications - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
Ayuch, Daniel. “The Vision of Patriarch Ignatius IV of Antioch about the Diaspora. A Thematic Survey and An Analysis of His Homilies and Publications.” Ökumenisches Forum, vol. 43-46, 2021-2024, pp. 157-171.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2024
Mission: A Proclamation in Dialogue. A Focus on the Middle East Ecumenical Contribution to Interfaith Dialogue - Dr. Elias Halabi
Halabi, Elias. “Mission: A Proclamation in Dialogue. A Focus on the Middle East Ecumenical Contribution to Interfaith Dialogue.” Christian Mission in the Middle East. Ecumenical Perspective, edited by Wilbert van Saane and John Holdsworth, Regnum Books, 2024, pp. 53-64.
- Written by Dr. Elias Halabi
- Category: 2024
The Care of the Suffering in Luke-Acts - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Sciences & Arts, Religion & Education. Vol. 7. No. 1. Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific Association, 2023, 71-76.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2023
The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2:29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
Ayuch, Daniel. “The Hymn of Elder Simeon in Luke 2:29-32. Its Narrative Context and Theology.” De la teologia rostită la cântul teologic. Misiunea doxologică a cercetării teologice, astăzi. Studia Theologica Doctoralia XV, edited by Viorel Saba, Doxologia and Universität Graz, 2023, 11-23.
- Written by Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Category: 2023
Taina căsătoriei în contextul deconstructivismului – Dialog între antropologia ortodoxă și abordările postmoderne (Romanian Translation) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
Taina căsătoriei în contextul deconstructivismului – Dialog între antropologia ortodoxă și abordările postmoderne (Romanian Translation). București: Editura Basilica a Patriarhiei Romane, 2023. ISBN 978-606-29-0493-7
- Written by Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- Category: 2023
Anthropological Reflections on Marital Intimacy (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
“Anthropological Reflections on Marital Intimacy” (English). The Rule of Faith. A Journal of Orthodox Thought & Culture. PA, USA: Basilian Media Publishing, Eastern University, v.4 n.1 Spring 2023, pp. 17-28. ISBN-13: 979-8395523792
- Written by Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- Category: 2023
More Articles...
- From the Light of Prayer to Pastoral Theology: Aspects of Episcopal Ministry in the Writings of Saint Ephrem the Syrian (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- The Priest Between His Marital House and the Parish House: A Spiritual and Pastoral Approach (Arabic) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- Marriage in the Eschatological Perspective: Implications on Gender and Marital Intimacy (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- Earthly Angels and Heavenly Humans: Revisiting Gender in Christian Anthropology (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- Saint Maximus’ Perspective of Gender and the Experience of Saints (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- The House of God: The Orthodox Church in the Middle East and the Environment (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- The Mystery of Marriage amid Deconstruction: A Dialogue between Orthodox Anthropology and Postmodern Perspectives (English) - Rev. Fr. Bassam A. Nassif
- A Textual-Critical Study and Interpretation of the Liturgical Response ‘ἔλεον εἰρήνης, θυσίαν αἰνέσεως’. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- A Study of St. John of Damascus’ ‘Treatise of Icons’: Biblical and Linguistic Approach. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- The Ecclesiology of St. Paul: One Church or United Churches. The Universal Dimension of the One Church in the Epistles of St Paul. - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- “Ἀρχή and Λόγος: New Arguments in Favor of the Similar Understanding of These Two Terms in 1 John 1:1 and in the Prologue of the Gospel According to John.” (ARABIC) - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- Practica rugăciunii în biserica din ierusalim conform cărții faptele apostolilor. momente, conținut și mesaj - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- La Septuaginta en la tradición ortodoxa - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Islam Study Programs in Argentine Universities (ARABIC) - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- Parallel Plots in the Narrative of the Synoptic Gospels. Their Role and Message in the Story Development (ARABIC) - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- The Parables in Ezekiel 17:1-24 and the Parables of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- A Historic-Critical Reading of the Women Books in the Old Testament: Ruth, Esther, and Judith (ARABIC) - Dr. Daniel Ayuch
- The Holy Royal Priesthood in 1 Peter 2, 9 - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- Faith and Justification - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil
- Ecclesiology of St. Paul: One Church or United Churches? The Universal Dimension of the One Church in the Epistles of St. Paul (Arabic) - Rev. Archim. Jack Khalil